Our Remote office

Staff experts in the Remote office

  • Russell , Liz State Director, Louisiana

    Areas of expertise: Louisiana climate policy, industrial decarbonization, environmental justice, adaptation, land use planning and electoral action

  • Rutecki, John Regulatory and Legislative Manager, Appalachia

    Areas of expertise: State and federal energy policy, climate policy

  • Saladrigas Malaret, Amalia Manager, Partnerships & Environmental Justice

    Areas of expertise: Marine conservation; participatory and inclusive strategies in conservation and sustainable development initiatives

  • Sánchez, Sergio Senior Policy Director, Global Clean Air

    Areas of expertise: Climate and clean air policy, international development, integrated environmental management systems, comprehensive air quality management, sustainable transport, United Nations

  • Seymour, Scott Senior Research Analyst

    Areas of expertise: Laser-based gas detection, laser sensor development, inventory analysis, field work, methane, black carbon

  • Shigetomi, Lindsay Manager, Fleet Electrification

    Areas of expertise: Fleet electrification, financial modeling, clean transportation policy

  • Shirakawa, Hiro Japan Region Chief

    Areas of expertise: Economic analysis, investor relations, international coordination

  • Stamatiou, Natacha Senior Analyst, Global Shipping

    Areas of expertise:

  • Steinhilber, Emily Director, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds, Virginia

    Areas of expertise: Coastal resilience, climate solutions, environmental law and policy, stakeholder engagement

  • Stokes, Curt Senior Attorney

    Areas of expertise: Utility regulation, litigation, equitable clean energy transition strategies