(Washington, D.C. – August 5, 2015) Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is calling on Sen. Lisa Murkowski to demonstrate the effect the energy bill will have on climate pollution before the Senate votes.

Yesterday, Sen. Murkowski’s spokesman Robert Dillon claimed that the energy bill was the Republican’s climate plan. Here’s the story: 

Senate Democrats asked Republican opponents of the Administration’s just-finalized Clean Power Plan to “show us your plan to combat climate change.”

In response, Sen. Murkowski’s spokesman Robert Dillon tweeted, “the bipartisan #energy bill is what you’re looking for. It reduces #emissions w/o costing taxpayers.” 

But, gauging from the version of the energy bill passed by the Senate Natural Resources Committee, substantial emission-reducing provisions would have to be added for the bill to make a significant impact on climate pollution. At the same time, many of Sen. Murkowski’s colleagues are pursuing amendments that would actually increase emissions. 

EDF president Fred Krupp responded to Dillon’s tweet with one of his own — “show us the data on how energy bill reduces emissions & helps meet GHG targets. I’m eager to see the Energy Committee’s analysis.” 

The conversation is continuing now. You can follow it on Twitter.

“Americans have a right to know what energy legislation means for our climate,” said Jeremy Symons, EDF’s Assistant Vice President, Climate Political Affairs.

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