(NEW YORK – March 18, 2016) The New York Public Service Commission approved Consolidated Edison’s proposed plan for deploying Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) yesterday, providing essential support for the state’s goal to revamp the way utilities are regulated in order to establish a 21st century energy system. These new, two-way communicating meters can both send and receive information like electricity prices and energy usage, enabling a style of electricity pricing that incentivizes customers to use electricity when it is cheaper and cut back when it is more expensive.


“Accelerating the rollout of advanced meters opens doors to the innovative future envisioned by New York’s historic energy transformation. This is a significant step forward for New York’s ability to achieve its clean energy and pollution reduction goals, establishing a foundational component for greater levels of customer engagement and facilitating the participation of third-party innovators in the marketplace. Advanced meters empower people to cut their energy use during times of the day when it matters most, saving money on utility bills and reducing harmful pollution.”


·         Rory Christian, Director, New York Clean Energy, Environmental Defense Fund

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Debora Schneider
(212) 616-1377