(WASHINGTON) Yesterday, Devon Energy announced it is establishing a voluntary target to reduce methane emissions from its U.S. oil and natural gas production operations. Devon’s ambition is to reach a methane-intensity rate of 0.28 percent by 2025.The company’s methane-intensity rate is calculated based on emissions factors from Devon-operated oil and natural gas production facilities. The company also plans to expand their leak detection and repair (LDAR) program.

“It is encouraging that Devon has committed to a methane target, and agreed to include emissions from some assets not covered by mandatory reporting frameworks. Methane target setting is the new normal, as responsible companies understand the strong business case for enhancing methane management. Companies like Devon with methane targets now need to verify their methane footprint with increasingly accurate and transparent emissions data, including from field measurement.”

“With each company that steps forward with voluntary methane targets, it becomes even more apparent that the Trump administration is wildly out of sync with leading industry practices. Leading companies must support preserving nationwide methane standards to demonstrate the sincerity of their own commitments and to bring all of industry along. Voluntary commitments not backed by mandatory emission cuts keep American natural gas on a collision course with ever rising demands for cleaner energy.”

  • Ben Ratner, Senior Director, Environmental Defense Fund

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Stacy MacDiarmid
(512) 691-3439