Displaying 5251 - 5275 of 8264
Researchers Map Natural Gas Leaks Beneath Syracuse City Streets
December 16, 2014Researchers Map Natural Gas Leaks Beneath Syracuse City Streets -
ERCOT Report Confirms Ease to Comply with EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan
December 16, 2014 | Jim Marston, Former Vice President, Political AffairsERCOT Report Confirms Ease to Comply with EPA’s Proposed Clean Power Plan -
Case study
Burlington: Snapshot of natural gas leaks under the streets
December 15, 2014Approximately 7% of Burlington, Vermont's pipes are more than 50 years old.More on:
Case study
Syracuse: Snapshot of natural gas leaks under city streets
December 15, 2014Like numerous older gas systems in the country, Syracuse has a high prevalence of cast iron and leak prone pipes.More on:
Lima climate talks end: narrow outcome gives more clarity on path to Paris
December 14, 2014After going well past their Friday deadline, countries reached a narrow outcome that provides some additional clarity on the path to finalizing a new climate agreement next year in Paris. -
Congress Passes Legislation to Help West Coast Fishermen
December 13, 2014 | Shems Jud, Director, Japan Fisheries & OceansWest Coast Fishermen and EDF celebrated a bipartisan victory today, as the Revitalizing the Economy of Fisheries in the Pacific Act passed in the Senate. -
Rise of clean energy staff mirrors Texas' renewable energy boom
December 12, 2014Our team's growth reflects the explosion in solar and wind power in Texas and across the United States. -
With this technology, methane leaks never out of sight, out of mind
December 11, 2014We have the technology to make invisible pollution visible. -
Climate hope amid melting ice, rising temps
December 10, 2014Melting ice caps, record heat - but all's not gloom as we close out 2014. -
Wyoming Air Board Approves Plan to Cut Oil, Gas Pollution
December 10, 2014 | Jon Goldstein, Associate Vice President, Energy TransitionWyoming AQPD Approves rules to limit oil and gas air pollution -
Conservation Groups Release Restoration Solutions for Mississippi River Delta
December 9, 2014 | Natalie Snider, Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Climate Resilient Coasts & WatershedsLeading national and local conservation groups released a report outlining 19 priority projects for restoring the Mississippi River Delta following the Gulf oil disaster. -
EDF responds to sage grouse rider in appropriations bill: “We must make it work”
December 9, 2014 | Eric Holst, Associate Vice President, Natural Climate SolutionsListing delay increases urgency to get good conservation in place, fast -
Lima climate talks: The nuts and bolts of progress
December 8, 2014Countries risk falling behind on transparency and book-keeping rules that are key to credible emission cuts. -
EDF Praises Western Governors’ Recognition of Need to Reduce Methane Emissions
December 6, 2014EDF Praises Western Governors’ Recognition of Need to Reduce Methane Emissions -
First U.S. Envoy for the Ocean welcome news for fisheries worldwide
December 5, 2014Oceans are a growing priority for the Obama administration, as is a new and collaborative approach for restoring fisheries worldwide. -
President Obama Names Dr. Jane Lubchenco as First U.S. Science Envoy for the Ocean
December 5, 2014 | Amanda Leland, Executive DirectorEnvironmental Defense Fund (EDF) today hailed President Obama’s decision to name Dr. Jane Lubchenco as the Department of State’s first U.S. Science Envoy for the Ocean. The move signals th -
5 reasons EPA is right about tougher smog standards
December 4, 2014Tighter smog pollution controls are common-sense protections that will save lives and safeguard human health from one of the nation’s most ubiquitous air pollutants, ozone. -
A humbling moment: Reaching 1 million members in 2014
December 4, 2014We reached a membership milestone in 2014, and now it's all hands on deck to defend the environment. -
Nilda Mesa to Helm Mayor’s Newly Created Office of Sustainability
December 3, 2014 | Andrew H. Darrell, Chief of Strategy, Global Energy & FinanceNilda Mesa to Helm Mayor’s Newly Created Office of Sustainability -
2014 year in review: 3 breakthroughs that tip the scales for climate action
December 2, 2014We know we can turn the corner on climate change because it's happening already. -
New study finds 55% of carbon in Amazon is in indigenous territories and protected lands, much of it at risk
December 2, 2014 | Steve Schwartzman, Senior Director, Tropical Forest PolicyNew UN study suggests that protecting the vast carbon stores in the Amazon, totaling 55% of the Amazon, is critical to the stability of the global climate. -
Lima UN climate conference focuses on 2015 Paris talks as countries take on foundational issues
December 1, 2014Delegates meeting in Lima, Peru for this year’s United Nations climate conference (COP-20) will be seeking to build on global momentum created in 2014. -
Conservation Organizations Respond to RESTORE Council Release of Gulf Coast Restoration Project Proposals
December 1, 2014RESTORE Council releases list of Gulf restoration proposals, conservation groups say Council should select projects that provide maximum benefit to Gulf Coast ecosystem -
EPA Announces Public Health Standards to Protect Americans from Smog
November 26, 2014 | Elena Craft, Associate Vice President, Climate and HealthEPA unveiled a proposal to update our national air quality standards for ground-level ozone, which is more commonly known as smog. -
What EDF's chief economist is thankful for this year
November 25, 2014Frank Convery has many things he's thankful about this year, and living in a walkable city is one of them.