(WASHINGTON – August 12, 2014) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publically released peer-review comments last week submitted by outside experts in response to five  technical white papers on emissions and control strategies for the oil and gas sector, a process started as part of the White House strategy to reduce methane emissions. EDF participated as a technical reviewer in the white paper process, along with a variety of experts from state agencies, industry, and academia. The five white papers focus on significant emission sources within the oil and gas sector, the largest industrial contributor of U.S. methane emissions. 

“Methane is a powerful, short-lived climate pollutant accelerating the rate of global warming we are experiencing now. We applaud EPA for engaging in such a substantive way on this important issue. EPA’s rigorous analysis through the white paper process illustrates that methane leaks from oil and gas equipment and facilities are a problem, but one that sensible and cost-effective policy measures can help us overcome.

“Everything we know about the science is clear. EPA has the strong foundation to move forward on direct regulation of methane emissions from the oil and gas sector to protect our climate and public health.”

  • Mark Brownstein, EDF Associate Vice President & Chief Counsel, US Climate & Energy


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Lauren Whittenberg
(512) 691-3437