The International Civil Aviation Organization’s governing Council today took a key step to stand up its emission offsetting program to help airlines reduce climate pollution, even as the aviation sector reels from the economic fallout of the coronavirus. The Council’s decision on the program, known as CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reductions Scheme for International Aviation), was based on recommendations from its Technical Advisory Body, which sought to weed out old emission credits that had questionable accounting and environmental provisions.
“We applaud the ICAO Council for listening to its experts and focusing on science in its decision to adopt robust environmental provisions in its market-based system to reduce climate pollution from airlines.

“At a time of extreme stress for the industry, aviation has stood by its commitment to grapple with the climate crisis even as it deals with the immediate tragedy of COVID-19. That is a demonstration of real leadership.

“The Council’s decision today sends a signal that when we get to the other side of the gut-punch that COVID-19 is delivering to families, communities and the whole travel sector, nations will move forward to meet the climate challenge.  

Much more work remains to be done, but today’s Council decision provides one hopeful step in the right direction – and shows a path forward for the global climate talks, too.”

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Raul Arce-Contreras