(Austin, Texas – May 17, 2011) The Texas Senate concurred with the House amendments to Senate Bill 1125 by Sen. John Carona today.

The bill updates state energy efficiency programs by increasing and updating the goal for energy efficiency to 30 percent of load growth by 2013 for investor-owned utilities. It was sponsored by Rep. Rafael Anchia in the House and has enjoyed the support of environmental groups, consumers groups and utilities. 

“This is great step toward engaging more Texans with energy efficiency programs, which will lower energy bills, decrease air emissions and create jobs in Texas,” said Kate Robertson, Energy Efficiency Specialist with Environmental Defense Fund.

The bill also opens up Texas utilities to engage with their customers in Demand Response programs whether they are municipal utilities, cooperatives or retail electric providers. Demand response is a customer driven market participation program where customers can receive payments from the marketplace for reducing their demand.

“Demand response means money for customers and savings for utilities all while reducing energy consumption and emissions,” said Colin Meehan, Clean Energy Analyst with Environmental Defense Fund.

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