(WASHINGTON, DC) “The EMIT LESS Act was introduced in the House today as companion legislation to the previously introduced Senate version. The bill is an essential proposal to empower farmers and ranchers to address methane emissions from livestock. It builds on bipartisan momentum that advances climate-smart livestock farming.

“Methane is one of the biggest drivers of climate change today. Incentivizing and supporting producers in lowering these emissions, including the enteric methane that livestock emit as they digest their food, is essential for securing a safe climate and the long-term global competitiveness of the U.S. dairy and meat industries. 

“If enacted, the EMIT LESS Act will advance lower-methane livestock production in two ways. First, it will boost financial support and training to enable more producers to adopt enteric methane solutions more quickly. Second, it will accelerate research into additional solutions, which will provide producers with even more safe, proven solutions to choose for their operations. 

“We commend Reps. Crockett (TX-30) and Molinaro (NY-30) for championing this bill in the House and Sens. Bennet (CO), Crapo (ID), Baldwin (WI) and Moran (KS) for championing it in the Senate. Farmers and ranchers will benefit from this bill being included in a final, bipartisan farm bill package.”

  • Andrew Lentz, director of federal affairs for agriculture policy at Environmental Defense Fund

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