(18 June, 1998 ? Washington) The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) today announced its support for a proposal to make funds authorized under the Clean Water Act available to states for use in water conservation projects.

The Water Conservation and Quality Incentives Act, proposed by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT), would allow qualifying states to use State Revolving Funds (SRF), traditionally used for water treatment facilities, in public works projects that would conserve water, such as improved irrigation systems.

“Clean, safe water is a resource too precious to waste. This bill basically would broaden the use of State Revolving Funds and support conservation projects,” said Steve Cochran, EDF’s legislative director.

The funds would be available for conservation use only in states where existing statutes ensure a conserver’s right to use the conserved water, reserve minimum in-stream flows, and protect existing water rights.

“The bill makes sense, for farmers and for fish,” said Cochran. “It strikes a delicate balance among competing water needs by giving states additional flexibility in using SRF funds for increased conservation or controlling polluted runoff.”

“EDF is proud to support a measure that rewards conservation efforts, and we hope the bill will be an incentive for states that have not made commitments to progressive water conservation statutes to undertake good conservation approaches,” said Cochran.

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