Carbon Pollution Standards for Power Plants Have Widespread Support
(Washington, D.C. – May 29, 2014) Power plants are the single largest source of climate pollution in the country, yet they can currently emit unlimited amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
But most Americans think that has to change, with 64% supporting “strict limits” on carbon pollution.
EPA’s forthcoming announcement of new Carbon Pollution Standards for power plants has won widespread support from a diverse set of voices. Those voices range from health organizations to small businesses, from cities and municipalities to local elected officials, and from minority advocates to faith groups.
Here are just a handful of the endorsements for establishing Carbon Pollution Standards for power plants:
“President Obama has a historic opportunity to protect public health by establishing the first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from existing power plants. Warmer temperatures from carbon pollution make high ozone days more likely, and there are no limits on the amount of carbon pollution that existing power plants can emit. If you support protecting public health, join us in calling on the President to set strong, enforceable federal standards.”
“As you know, the many communities that we represent are already feeling the effects of climate change now. We recognize, and are already seeing the economic and environmental benefits of a shift to clean energy that avoids the harmful emissions that cause global warming. We are also working to protect our communities with resilience strategies, but we also look forward to a strong partnership with the federal government to help us make our communities even stronger …
“Under your leadership, we can help you achieve the key pillars of your plan to reduce carbon pollution, especially the first-ever national limits on carbon pollution from power plants, increases in the energy efficiency of our built environment, and smarter investments in our country’s renewable energy infrastructure.”
- Letter from 600 State and Local Officials to President Obama
“Power plants emit 40% of carbon pollution in the country, posing a major threat to Creation and the welfare of humankind. Yet there are currently no limits on carbon pollution from power plants. Just as the EPA has enforced safeguards to protect our health from arsenic, mercury and lead, the EPA can and must protect our health and take action on dangerous carbon pollution …
“A strong standard for carbon pollution from new power plants, coupled with an upcoming standard for existing power plants, represent a historic effort to address the nation’s largest cause of global climate changing pollution, and we applaud the EPA for their work.”
“Taking steps to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide are essential to protect our children and future generations from the effects of climate change. LWVUS urges the EPA to go even further by limiting carbon pollution from existing power plants to achieve at least a 20 percent reduction below 1990 levels by 2020.”
“We look forward to working with EPA to also set rules on the carbon pollution coming from existing power plants that are currently dumping unlimited amounts of carbon pollution into our air.”
- Adrianna Quintero, Voces Verdes
“Limiting carbon pollution from power plants will spur innovation and investment in clean energy, growing our economy, while helping curb the effects of climate change and extreme weather that have devastating impacts on small businesses and the economy. Clean air and renewable energy standards like those developed and implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency will help us move toward a 21st Century clean energy economy.”
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