(SAN FRANCISCO, CA – May 31, 2018) California regulators today adopted plans by the state’s three major utilities to accelerate the electrification of light, medium and heavy duty transportation. The California Public Utilities Commission approved $780 million to fund these plans aimed at cleaning up the transportation sector, the state’s biggest source of air pollution.

“Electrifying all forms of transportation is foundational to fighting climate change and, once again, California is out in front. These newly approved plans set the stage for cleaning up the state’s dirtiest sector while ensuring the communities who suffer most from choking exhaust feel the benefits.”

The revised decision adopted today includes key improvements from the original proposal: It preserves an optional dynamic electricity rate that rewards customers who charge their electric cars when clean energy is abundant and helps grid operators more accurately balance supply and demand. This can help California use its renewable resources more efficiently. In addition, it increases the amount of funding allocated for Southern California Edison’s electrification program, which is important for the utility to improve persistent air quality concerns. The increase will also go towards expanding rebate opportunities for charging stations, making them more affordable. Finally, today’s decision removes language indicating that utility ownership of charging stations is anti-competitive.    


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Chloe Looker
(415) 293-6122