Displaying 5476 - 5500 of 9513
U.S. District Court Decides in Favor of Illinois Future Energy Jobs Act
July 14, 2017 | Michael Panfil, Senior Director and Lead Counsel of Climate Risk & Clean PowerS. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois decides in favor of the state’s Future Energy Jobs Act -
Court Rejects EPA Administrator Pruitt’s Request for 52 Days to Comply with Ruling on Oil and Gas Pollution Protections
July 13, 2017 | Peter Zalzal, Distinguished Counsel & Associate Vice President, Clean Air Strategiescourt grants scott pruitt a 14 day delay in the mandate for the oil and gas pollution standards ruling -
Huge Antarctic iceberg breaks off. Here's why it worries scientists.
July 12, 2017This could set in motion chain reactions that further destabilize the ice shelf and surrounding glaciers, contributing to global sea level rise. -
Press release
Updated USGS Maps Show Decreased Rate of Louisiana Land Loss
July 12, 2017Updated USGS maps show decreased rate of Louisiana land loss. Conservation groups including EDF say urgent action still needed to slow down continued land loss and build new land.More on:
Health and Environmental Groups Sue EPA Over Its Delay of Clean Air Protections for Millions
July 12, 2017 | Peter Zalzal, Distinguished Counsel & Associate Vice President, Clean Air Strategieswe file lawsuit over delays in smog protections -
EDF, Partners Urge D.C. Circuit to Deny Latest Attempt to Undermine Protections from Oil and Gas Pollution
July 11, 2017 | Peter Zalzal, Distinguished Counsel & Associate Vice President, Clean Air StrategiesEDF files reply to Pruitt motion asking D.C. Circuit to revoke its mandate in the EPA oil and gas pollution decision -
Press release
Colorado Sets Concrete Climate Pollution Reduction Goals, Charts Path for Clean Energy
July 11, 2017 | Dan Grossman, Associate Vice President, Global Energy TransitionEDF Praises Gov. John Hickenlooper for Climate Action, Climate AllianceMore on:
EDF, Partners Urge Court to Protect Standards that will Prevent Waste of Public Resources
July 10, 2017 | Peter Zalzal, Distinguished Counsel & Associate Vice President, Clean Air StrategiesEDF, others file complaint with CA district court about delay of BLM oil and gas standards -
EDF Urges California Legislature to Support Cap & Trade Extension and Air Quality Improvement
July 10, 2017 | Quentin Foster, Director, California ClimateEDF strongly supports AB 398 (E. Garcia) and AB 617 (C. Garcia) , which ensure the signature feature of the cap-and-trade program -- the cap -- remains in place. -
Worried about your health care? Then don't let them cut EPA's budget.
July 7, 2017Thousands of Americans at this federal agency go to work every day to keep people out of the doctor’s office. -
D.C. Circuit Refuses EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's Attempt to Delay Clean Air Safeguards
July 3, 2017 | Fred Krupp, PresidentDC Circuit blocks Pruit's emergency stay of EPA oil a nd gas methane rules -
New Attacks on Smog Safeguards Launched Just As a New Health Study Underscores the Dangers of Smog
June 30, 2017 | Mandy Warner, Director, Climate & Clean Air Policynew study from Harvard researchers shows dangers of smog -- at the same time the Administration and Congress take steps to delay smog protections -
Press release
North Carolina Energy Bill Delivers Mixed Results for Clean Energy Businesses and Customers
June 30, 2017 | David Kelly, State Director, North CarolinaStatement of David Kelly, EDF Manager of North Carolina Political AffairsMore on:
Cities and states are declaring climate independence from Trump
June 29, 2017State and local leaders understand that by investing in clean energy and cutting emissions, we're betting on the future. What could possibly be more American? -
Congress almost always votes with Trump as 2018 midterms loom. Bad idea, polls suggest.
June 28, 2017Congressional voting patterns are remarkable considering that midterm elections are just a year away. -
Appeals Court Decides in Favor of Connecticut Clean Energy Policy
June 28, 2017 | Michael Panfil, Senior Director and Lead Counsel of Climate Risk & Clean Powerappeals court rules in our favor in Connecticut clean energy case -
Ohio Removes Threat of Backdoor Bailout for Electric Utilities
June 28, 2017 | Dick Munson, Director, Regulatory & Legislative AffairsOhio Removes Threat of Backdoor Bailout for Electric Utilities -
EDF Commends Western Governors’ ESA Dialogue, But Urges Caution to Congress
June 28, 2017 | Eric Holst, Associate Vice President, Natural Climate SolutionsStatement of Eric Holst, Associate Vice President of Working Lands, Environmental Defense Fund -
California’s Landmark Cap-and-Trade Program Upheld by California Supreme Court
June 28, 2017 | Erica Morehouse, Senior Director, Just & Equitable Mission EngagementThe California Supreme Court’s denial to review the Third Court of Appeals’ decision is a major victory for California’s fight against climate change. -
What Scott Pruitt doesn't want you to know, and why it matters
June 22, 2017Pruitt has ended the important transparency practice of sharing senior policy leaders’ schedules, a practice which has a long bipartisan history at EPA. -
Final TSCA Framework Rules “Significantly Weakened” – EDF
June 22, 2017 | Richard Denison, Former Lead Senior ScientistThe Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today issued the final “framework” rules for implementation of the Toxic Substances Control Act -
Why it'd be dangerous to overlook Mike Pence's record on the environment
June 20, 2017Unlike his boss, Vice President Pence has a long and specific history on environmental issues. -
EDF, Partners Urge D.C. Circuit to Protect Public Health from Oil and Gas Air Pollution
June 20, 2017 | Peter Zalzal, Distinguished Counsel & Associate Vice President, Clean Air Strategieswe file reply briefs in EPA methane case -
EDF Calls on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to Restore Transparency in Light of Serious Concerns about His Activities
June 20, 2017 | Martha Roberts, Senior Attorney, U.S. Climate Legal and Regulatory ProgramEDF today called on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to make his calendar public, as well as the calendars of his senior officials. -
Trump and the Environment: “The Governmental Equivalent of a Hostile Takeover”
June 16, 2017 | Fred Krupp, PresidentFred Krupp publishes article in Foreign Affairs magazine