Displaying 3401 - 3425 of 9503
Press release
New Study Finds California’s Zero-Emission Cars Standards Could Save Lives, Reduce Pollution, Save Californians Money
May 4, 2021 | Alice Henderson, Director & Lead Counsel, Transportation & Clean AirCalifornia could benefit by adopting Advanced Clean Car II standards that ensure all new cars, trucks and SUVs sold are zero-emitting vehicles by 2035.More on:
Acting rapidly to deploy readily available methane mitigation measures by sector can immediately slow global warming
May 4, 2021Methane mitigation is essential for addressing climate change, but the value of rapidly implementing available mitigation measures is not well understood. In this paper, EDF scientists and partners analyze the climate benefits of fast action to reduce methane emissions as compared to slower and delayed mitigation timelines. We find that the scale up and deployment of greatly underutilized but available mitigation measures will have significant near-term temperature benefits beyond that from slow or delayed action.More on:
Press release
New Tool Helps New York Gas Utility Planners Align Business Decisions with Climate Goals
May 3, 2021 | Erin Murphy, Director & Sr. Attorney, Clean Air & Energy MarketsGreenhouse gas emissions lifecycle tool by EDF and MJ Bradley & Associates helps New York Public Service Commission align business plans and climate goals.More on:
Comments of Environmental Defense Fund on staff gas system planning process proposal
May 3, 2021State of New York Public Service Commission Proceeding on Motion in Regard to Gas Planning ProceduresMore on:
Fact sheet
Power Up, America
May 3, 2021We can power up the economy with millions of new jobs and reduce air and climate pollution by building more clean trucks, buses, cars and clean energy.More on:
Press release
Senator Carper Sends Strong Signal on Clean Cars and Clean Air
May 3, 2021 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsEDF strongly supports Senator Carper’s call for EPA to eliminate tailpipe pollution from new cars by 2035More on:
Fact sheet: Gas Company Climate Planning Tool
April 30, 2021Fact sheet: Gas Company Climate Planning Tool -
Framework for Gas Company Climate Planning in New York
April 30, 2021As the New York debate over natural gas builds, experts from Environmental Defense Fund filed comments in a state proceeding aimed at overhauling gas utility planning in an effort to help the state shift away from fossil fuels and toward cleaner energy sources. EDF's filing includes a first-of-its-kind greenhouse gas emissions lifecycle tool developed with M.J. Bradley & Associates, an ERM Group Company, that gives the New York Public Service Commission, or PSC, and utilities the data they need to align business plans with the state's climate goals. -
Blog post
Top 5 priorities for USDA to support climate-smart farms and forests
April 30, 2021Guided by science, USDA can help harness the power of farms and forests to build climate resilience for all. The post Top 5 priorities for USDA to support climate-smart farms and forests first appeared on Growing Returns.More on:
Blog post
How climate change is worsening drought
April 30, 2021Spring is in full swing across the U.S. – flowers are blooming, pollen is blowing – and this means that the 2021 heat wave, hurricane, and wildfire seasons are just around the corner. After the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season produced a record number of named storms and record-breaking wildfires ravaged the Western U.S., vulnerable communities …More on:
Blog post
How fish stocks and whale poop can sink carbon to the bottom of the sea
April 30, 2021What might happen to ocean ecosystems and global carbon cycles when widespread ocean restoration occurs?More on:
Blog post
Biden’s USDA will need to hit the ground running. Here are 3 top priorities.
April 30, 2021We have no time to waste in setting America’s agricultural economy on a sustainable path. EDF outlines several recommendations for the USDA.More on:
Blog post
Nature-based solutions can help New York and New Jersey adapt to rising seas and intensifying storms
April 30, 2021Nature-based solutions are sometimes the most cost-effective flood mitigation options at our disposal.More on:
Blog post
Nature-based climate solutions find traction on Capitol Hill
April 30, 2021The Trillion Trees and National Carbon Storage Act, introduced by a bipartisan coalition of senators, would help the U.S. maximize carbon storage and measure impact.More on:
Trends in the Voluntary Carbon Market: Where We Are and What's Next
April 30, 2021This is the second in a series of papers that Environmental Defense Fund and ENGIE Impact have developed to chart a path for voluntary carbon markets in the post-2020 world. This paper focuses on the growth in the voluntary carbon market and factors that may affect the market.More on:
Mobilizing Voluntary Carbon Markets to Drive Climate Action: What does the science tell us?
April 30, 2021This is the first in a series of papers that EDF and ENGIE Impact are developing to chart a path for voluntary carbon markets in the post-2020 world. This paper presents a simple summary of the science of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global climate change.More on:
Blog post
Driving the electric vehicle transition: auto companies and states step up to lead
April 30, 2021 | Taylor Bacon, Former Analyst, U.S. Climate & Clean AirMajor automakers are making serious climate commitments through investment in EV development and calling for federal climate action. -
Press release
USDA Must Act Quickly to Harness Farms and Forests to Build Climate Resilience
April 30, 2021EDF statement from Callie Eideberg, director of agricultural policyMore on:
EDF Response to USDA Request on Climate Crisis
April 30, 2021 | Britt Groosman, Senior Vice President, Agriculture, Water and FoodEDF responds to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's request for public input on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's climate-smart agriculture and forestry strategy.More on:
Blog post
Driving the electric vehicle transition: auto companies and states step up to lead
April 29, 2021 | Taylor Bacon, Former Analyst, U.S. Climate & Clean AirIf you watched any major televised sporting events this year, from the NCAA Final Four to the Super Bowl, you saw ad after ad showcasing American auto companies’ new electric cars. It’s proof that electric vehicles (EVs) are ready for a mainstream market – you don’t pay Will Ferrell and LeBron James to promote your …More on:
Press release
“No Basis for Supreme Court Review” of Decision That Struck Down Clean Power Plan Repeal
April 29, 2021 | Vickie Patton, General Counsel"Our lawmakers should work together to provide all Americans with cleaner, healthier air" statement of Vickie Patton, General Counsel for EDF.More on:
Press release
New Report: Methane Waste and Pollution a Growing Problem on the Navajo Nation
April 29, 2021 | Jon Goldstein, Associate Vice President, Energy TransitionUpdated EDF analysis reveals magnitude of methane emissions, waste on Navajo NationMore on:
Yes, we do need a major investment in UK roads – but not quite as currently planned
April 29, 2021 | Oliver Lord, Former Head of Policy and CampaignsTo eradicate health inequities and meet the WHO guidelines, EDF argues that city and national leaders need to transform UK urban road networks and provide cleaner ways for people to get around.More on:
Executive order on tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad (USDA Request for Information)
April 29, 2021 | Britt Groosman, Senior Vice President, Agriculture, Water and FoodEDF's letter to the USDA to encourage the voluntary adoption of climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices and equitable access to USDA’s programs and resources -
Press release
Biden Puts Focus on Jobs, Families and Climate
April 28, 2021 | Fred Krupp, PresidentStatement of EDF President Fred Krupp on Presidential Speech – April 28, 2021