The single most important way to slow climate change right now is to cut emissions of methane, a highly potent, short-term greenhouse gas. To do that, we need to see the total picture — from space.

Watch Millie Chu Baird, who leads innovative projects at EDF, as she explains in this TED Talk the vision for MethaneSAT. 

This methane-detecting satellite, which launched in March 2024, was designed to provide government regulators, companies and nonprofit groups the information and incentive they need to fulfill their commitments to cut methane emissions.

“This kind of radical transparency changes the dynamic. It’s what makes me hopeful, and I hope you share that feeling as well,” Baird says. “With MethaneSAT in space, and the power of people on earth, let’s do everything we can, as quickly as we can, to slow the rate of global warming in our lifetimes.”

Thank you to mission partners, The Audacious Project, the Bezos Earth Fund and the many, generous donors who took MethaneSAT from idea to orbit.

Help us slow global warming fast with this methane-spotting satellite