Flavia Sollazzo
Senior Director, EU Energy Transition
Areas of expertise:
European Union legislation, energy, climate and environmental policy, sustainability
Flavia leads the EU Energy Transition agenda, shaping the Environmental Defense Fund’s EU engagement to secure full energy transition and associated emission reductions at both EU and Member State levels. She leads on the methane campaign and works on growing the Environmental Defense Fund Europe’s work on other energy transition opportunities, such as the EU hydrogen agenda.
Flavia’s experience spans from leading multi-disciplinary teams to conducting negotiations at the EU and UN level and managing portfolios of partnerships in development and transition countries, including in China, Africa and the Middle East. Her expertise spans across the European energy, environment and climate agenda and she has a deep understanding of how to effectively join forces with the multiple actors in the EU co-legislative process (i.e. European Commission, European Parliament and EU Member States).
Flavia has worked for the Italian government on a range of EU- and international environment and climate dossiers in Rome and Brussels. In the latter role, she led the international work of the environment and climate team at Italy’s permanent representation to the EU. After leaving the Italian government, she has served as the chief of staff for Member of the European Parliament, lead the environment cluster of a consultancy providing strategic advice about the impacts of EU policies, working with experts from academia, business and the public sector and drove the sustainability agenda of a Tech-Trade Association shaped around the efficient use of resources.
Flavia’s mother tongues are German and Italian. She is also fluent in English, Spanish and French.
B. Sc. in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Naples (Italy)
M.Sc. in Forestry from the University of Florence (Italy)
European Commission, Directorate-General for Climate Action, Oomkens, J., Sollazzo, F., Cuervo Blanco, T. (2021). Policy support facility : a thematic report to support an ex-ante impact assessment of the EU adaptation strategy, Publications Office. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2834/438395
Latest pieces
Earth Day Italia Shines A Light On Methane
Energy Exchange Blog, April 19, 2023