“Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced a broad action plan across ten federal agencies to replace all lead pipes in the country within a decade. We applaud the Administration’s plan to leverage significant funding to begin work now and its commitment to fix the serious shortcomings of the Lead and Copper Rule to ensure its goal is met. Much work must be done to make the goal a reality, and EDF will do its part to support implementation of the plan.  

“Importantly, the EPA is requiring water utilities to make public a comprehensive inventory of all lead pipes and enable customers and the public to find out if they have a lead pipe no later than three years from now. This inventory is an essential part of achieving the Administration's goal to deliver clean drinking water to families across the country. It also creases targeted efforts to remove lead pipes from federally assisted housing, schools and child care facilities.

“The Administration is leveraging the funding secured in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill to expedite the replacement of lead pipes now – by releasing $3 billion of an eventual $15 billion to states today – with a focus on communities disproportionately impacted by lead. We look forward to fast action in Congress on the Build Back Better Act, which would provide nearly $10 billion to further support lead pipe replacement in low-wealth, rural and under-resourced communities.”

  • Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer Chemicals

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Terry Hyland
(202) 907-5265