(Washington, D.C. – September 21, 2022) Today, the U.S. Senate delivered a bipartisan win on climate action, ratifying the Kigali Agreement to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, which would phase down hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs. These heat-trapping pollutants used in refrigerators and air conditioners are 1,000 times more potent than carbon dioxide. With the Senate’s approval, the United States joins 137 nations, including China and India, to ratify or accept the treaty amendment. U.S. ratification stalled during the Trump administration, but President Biden revived efforts last year.

“This is another important action by the United States to regain credibility, rebuild trust and demonstrate the seriousness of its commitment to confronting climate change. With bipartisan support, the Senate has committed to international climate policy that phases down a super-pollutant while bolstering U.S. manufacturing. The United States already leads the world in making climate-friendly alternatives to HFCs, and this move helps eliminate potential barriers to export them. Opening fast-growing international markets to U.S. manufacturers can create tens of thousands of family-sustaining jobs here at home. This once again shows that strong environmental protection is also smart economic policy.”

  • Carol Andress, associate vice president, congressional affairs and climate policy

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Matthew Tresaugue