(SAN FRANCISCO – July 3, 2015) The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted unanimously, 5-0, today to adopt a slightly revised version of the original proposed decision in its residential rate reform proceeding. The decision directs California’s investor-owned utilities to begin piloting time-of-use programs in preparation for transitioning all residential customers automatically in 2019.

Time-of-use electricity pricing enables people to choose when they turn on appliances and other devices based on electricity prices that vary according to the time of day, allowing people to take actions that can save them money on utility bills and reduce harmful pollution. EDF has long supported the more widespread use of time-of-use pricing in California as a means to utilize clean, low-cost renewable energy and help avoid the construction of unnecessary, polluting fossil fuel power plants, which would otherwise be used to meet “peak,” or high, energy demand.

“The California Public Utilities Commission took a significant step forward today that will give Californians more control over their electricity use and costs with time-of-use electricity rates. The decision to use minimum bills, rather than fixed charges, to ensure utilities recover their costs will help keep incentives in place for clean energy. Environmental Defense Fund urges the CPUC and utilities to develop strong customer outreach and education programs to accompany this reform.”

     ·         Gavin Purchas, Director, California Clean Energy

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Chloe Looker
(415) 293-6122