Displaying 2076 - 2100 of 2153
Air pollution and health in East Oakland
May 31, 2017EDF deployed Google Street View cars equipped with Aclima’s sensing platform to collect data in a 6 square mile area in Oakland for a year.More on:
How pollution impacts health in West Oakland
May 31, 2017West Oakland and Downtown Oakland are exposed to some of the highest levels of air pollution in the Bay Area. Here's the impact on those communities.More on:
Our groundbreaking work with local communities on air pollution
May 31, 2017Learn more about policies that can be an enormous help in finding air pollution solutions to reduce emissions from cars, trucks and other engines.More on:
Teaming up to advance pollution measurement
May 31, 2017What started as a collaboration between EDF and Google Earth Outreach to examine methane leaks, now extends to study pollutants affecting air quality.More on:
Press release
President Trump’s Budget Proposal Abandons Louisiana Coastal Restoration
May 23, 2017Conservation groups call on Congress to fight to protect GOMESA funding and other Louisiana coastal restoration funding and programsMore on:
Blog post
Historic vote on methane pollution shows we can still fight and win
May 10, 2017The rejected attempt by the administration and Senate Republicans to overturn the Bureau of Land Management’s methane pollution rule is a resounding triumph of cooler heads over rank ideology and special interests.More on:
Interactive tool
Grading the nation: Interactive map
March 23, 2017An interactive map shows grades for each US state and the District of Columbia based on lead pipe disclosure policies and documents related mandatory disclosures in real estate transactions.More on:
Press release
New LSU Study Underscores Regional Economic Costs of Coastal Land Loss
March 22, 2017 | Steve Cochran, Former Associate Vice President, State AffairsLouisiana could lose $3.6 billion in infrastructure and $7.6 billion in business disruption costs over the next 50 years if the state takes no action to curb its coastal land loss crisis.More on:
Louisiana regional economic impacts of land loss
March 21, 20172017 study sponsored by EDF underscores regional economic costs of Louisiana coastal loss loss as well as job creation through restoration.More on:
Clean energy is building a new American workforce
March 15, 2017Despite shifting energy policy, the clean energy economy remains a big source of jobs – at 4 million, with wind and solar jobs outpacing those in coal.More on:
Press release
Louisiana Governor Calls on President Trump to Expedite Coastal Infrastructure Projects
March 8, 2017Louisiana Governor sent a letter outlining the state’s coastal restoration and protection infrastructure priorities, including five projects included in Coastal Master PlanMore on:
The true cost of carbon pollution
February 28, 2017Measuring the social cost of carbon allows federal agencies to see which pollution-reducing rules are a good deal, and which cause economic harm.More on:
Press release
New York City Carbon Challenge Advances Path to Clean Energy Economy
January 26, 2017 | Rory Christian, Director, New York Clean EnergyEDF statement from Rory Christian, Director, New York Clean EnergyMore on:
Ready to defend Obama's environmental legacy? Top 10 accomplishments to focus on
January 12, 2017 | Keith Gaby, Vice President, Public AffairsWhile advocates always want more, President Obama's environmental legacy is impressive. Here's a look at his top 10 environmental accomplishments.More on:
Press release
New York Gets Closer to a Clean Energy Future with New Environmental Commitments
January 10, 2017 | Rory Christian, Director, New York Clean EnergyEDF statement from Rory Christian, Director, New York Clean EnergyMore on:
Blog post
Cincinnati and Ohio show leadership in identifying and disclosing lead service lines
January 9, 2017 | Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer ChemicalsKnowing if you have a lead service line (LSL) can help you decide whether to use a filter or replace the line.More on:
Press release
Louisiana Releases Draft 2017 Coastal Master Plan to Meet Challenges of Land Loss
January 3, 2017Louisiana releases draft 2017 Coastal Master Plan that, if approved, will serve as blueprint for state’s coastal restoration and protection activities.More on:
Canada Prioritizes Methane Reductions in New Climate Plan, Underscores Oil and Gas Sector Must Contribute to Climate Goals
December 12, 2016 | Drew Nelson, Director, International AffairsCanada Prioritizes Methane Reductions in New Climate Plan, Underscores Oil and Gas Sector Must Contribute to Climate GoalsMore on:
Press release
European Commission Recognizes Investor Confidence Project as Best Practice for Energy Efficiency Financing
November 30, 2016ICP Europe is a project of Environmental Defense Fund to standardise energy efficiency upgrades in a way that makes them more attractive to investors and building owners alike.More on:
Press release
$245 Million Dedicated to Louisiana Coastal Restoration Projects
November 15, 2016NFWF approves nearly $370 million in investments in Gulf Coast restoration, including $245 million dedicated to five coastal restoration projects in Louisiana.More on:
Press release
New York State Moves to Curb Emissions from Distributed Generators and Improve Air Quality
November 3, 2016EDF statement from Jim Tripp, Senior CounselMore on:
Press release
Louisiana Oil Spill Trustees Fund $22.3 Million in Restoration Projects
October 20, 2016The Louisiana oil spill Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustees announced $22.3 million in coastal restoration projects today.More on:
Reducing harmful chemicals in our food
October 19, 2016EDF focuses our efforts where we will have the largest impact: the chemicals that harm young children and that we know we can reduce.More on:
Press release
Louisiana Restoration and Protection Efforts Should Be Authorized by Congress
September 27, 2016EDF and groups working on Mississippi River Delta restoration urge Congress to include funding for Louisiana coastal restoration, protection in WRDA.More on:
Interactive tool
ICAO's market-based measure
September 27, 2016An interactive tool to see how additional countries' support for the MBM can boost coverage of international aviation emissions.More on: