Displaying 126 - 150 of 216
Fact sheet
Carbon dioxide removal: A must-have tool for the climate challenge
March 2, 2022EDF fact sheet on Carbon dioxide removal (CDR), which refers to a class of natural and technological strategies designed to remove carbon pollution directly from the atmosphere.More on:
Joint Inputs on the Work Programme on the Framework for Non-Market Approaches under Article 6.8
February 25, 2022Joint Inputs from Environmental Defense Fund, Conservation International, and The Nature Conservancy on the framework for non-market approaches under Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement.More on:
Blog post
Nearly 1 million Virginians are at risk of flooding by 2080. The state just released a plan to address that risk.
January 1, 2022 | Emily Steinhilber, Director, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds, VirginiaWith a new coastal resilience master plan, Virginia leaders have an opportunity to identify and prepare for climate-induced flood risks that impact all Virginians. The post Nearly 1 million Virginians are at risk of flooding by 2080. The state just released a plan to address that risk. first appeared on Growing Returns.More on:
Why are floods hitting more places and people?
December 22, 2021With global warming, the proportion of people living in flood-prone areas has risen by 20% to 24% since 2000. Here's what we can do about it.More on:
Blog post
Natural climate solutions cut a steady course through a sea of proposals for ocean carbon dioxide reduction
December 16, 2021 | Jamie Collins, Marine Biogeochemical ScientistWhen it comes to slowing the warming of our planet, there is no substitute for immediate, dramatic reductions in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. But emissions reductions alone won’t be enough to limit warming to the 1.5 degrees Celsius goal at the heart of the 2015 Paris Agreement, or even to the Agreement’s upper limit of …More on:
Blog post
Virginia Beach’s new flood bond can be a model for other cities. Here’s how.
December 16, 2021 | Emily Steinhilber, Director, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds, VirginiaHow coastal cities can better fund natural infrastructure and protect their residents. The post Virginia Beach’s new flood bond can be a model for other cities. Here’s how. first appeared on Growing Returns.More on:
Press release
Congress Acts to Increase U.S. Military’s Flood Resilience
December 15, 2021 | Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsEDF Statement from Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political AffairsMore on:
Upstream Solutions to Downstream Problems: Investing in Rural Natural Infrastructure for Water Quality Improvement and Flood Risk Mitigation
December 14, 2021 | Kelly Suttles, Senior Research Analyst, Climate-Smart AgriculturePaper published in the journal Water by EDF scientists reviews the evidence that implementing natural infrastructure in upstream agricultural landscapes could improve water quality and reduce flood risk for downstream communities, and identifies a suite of natural infrastructure measures that provide the greatest benefits.More on:
State of the science: Cropland soil carbon sequestration
December 10, 2021EDF review of the scientific consensus about cropland soil carbon sequestration.More on:
Blog post
Why the Department of Energy launched an ‘Earthshot’ effort to draw down and store carbon pollution
December 2, 2021 | Jake Higdon, Former Manager, U.S. Climate PolicyThis blog was co-authored by Sonali Deshpande, Program Analyst for U.S. Climate at EDF. At a COP26 event on November 5, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm announced a new, visionary effort to scale up solutions that can draw down and store carbon pollution from the atmosphere: The Carbon Negative Shot. The Carbon Negative Shot …More on:
Blog post
What’s in store for forests at COP—and why you should be excited
December 2, 2021 | Breanna Lujan, Senior Manager, Natural Climate SolutionsThis post was coauthored by Ruben Lubowski. Stakeholders from all over the world are gathering in Glasgow for the COP26, which is shaping up to be one of the most pivotal climate change convenings. While participants will discuss how to tackle climate change and build back better (and greener), they will also focus on how …More on:
Blog post
With COP26 behind us, how should food and agricultural companies tailor their climate strategies?
November 23, 2021 | Katie Anderson, Senior Director, Business, Food and ForestsTakeaways from COP26 for food companies: Foster collaboration, focus on short and long-lived climate pollutants, protect tropical forests.More on:
Blog post
UN climate conference more productive than you think
November 19, 2021 | Amanda Leland, Executive DirectorHere are some highlights from the United Nations climate summit (COP26) and why it was actually more productive than news accounts made it seem.More on:
Press release
EDF welcomes Ann M. Bartuska as Senior Contributing Scientist
November 17, 2021Ann M. Bartuska joins EDF as a Senior Contributing Scientist to help identify pathways for atmospheric carbon removal and storage in forest and agricultural systems.More on:
Reducción de las emisiones debidas a la deforestación y créditos de carbono
November 16, 2021 | Steve Schwartzman, Senior Director, Tropical Forest PolicyEn los últimos años, se han conseguido importantes avances en materia de políticas de incentivo a la reducción de la deforestación. En esta misma línea, se pueden citar varios ejemplos concretos de cómo esta estrategia se puede aplicar en el terreno que debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de evaluar los posibles riesgos y beneficios de la iniciativa LEAF.More on:
Press release
COP26 Ends with a Strong Result on Carbon Markets and an International Call to Action for the Most Urgent Climate Priorities
November 13, 2021 | Kelley Kizzier, Former Vice President, Global ClimateThe UN climate talks at COP26 in Glasgow finally gave us a strong Paris Agreement rulebook for international cooperation through carbon markets.More on:
Redução das emissões por desmatamento e créditos de carbono
November 11, 2021 | Steve Schwartzman, Senior Director, Tropical Forest PolicyPortuguese version of "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Carbon Credit: Indigenous peoples and incentives for forest protection"More on:
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Carbon Credit
November 11, 2021 | Steve Schwartzman, Senior Director, Tropical Forest PolicyThe German Development Bank’s REDD Early Movers (REM) Program in Acre and Mato Grosso states illustrates how equitable and effective jurisdictional emissions reductions programs have worked, and model how they can work elsewhere.More on:
Press release
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers must evolve to meet the growing demands of climate-fueled flood risk
November 9, 2021 | Natalie Snider, Ph.D., Associate Vice President, Climate Resilient Coasts & WatershedsEDF and nearly 100 organizations send a call to action urging the Corps to usher in a new era of comprehensive and nature-based flood risk reduction.More on:
Fact sheet
Carbon Dioxide Removal: A Must-Have Tool for the Climate Challenge
November 8, 2021 | Jake Higdon, Former Manager, U.S. Climate PolicyEDF fact sheet on carbon dioxide removal (CDR), a class of natural and technological strategies designed to remove carbon pollution directly from the atmosphere.More on:
La integridad ambiental de las reducciones de las emisiones depende de cambios sistémicos y la escala, y no del sector que las origina
November 8, 2021Esta es una traducción de un artículo que se publicó originalmente en Environmental Research Letters, Volumen 16, Número 9.More on:
Blog post
Natural infrastructure can address growing climate impacts and save hundreds of billions of dollars annually in the process
November 7, 2021 | Eric Schwaab, Senior Vice President, People and NatureA new report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) provides insight into how to do that, showing that natural infrastructure can save hundreds of billions of dollars annually in climate adaptation costs, while delivering the same or better outcomes as traditional, hardened infrastructure. The post Natural infrastructure can address growing climate impacts and save hundreds of billions of dollars annually in the process first appeared on Growing Returns.More on:
A integridade ambiental das reduções de emissões depende da escala e de mudanças sistêmicas e não do setor de origem
November 5, 2021Esta é uma tradução de um artigo publicado na Environmental Research Letters, Volume 16, Número 8More on:
Quit burning tropical forests and set up carbon markets
November 4, 2021 | Fred Krupp, PresidentEDF President Fred Krupp argues that we need to focus on the most cost-effective methods for reducing climate pollution even as we take on the challenge of moving from a mostly fossil-fuel-powered world to a clean global economy.More on:
Blog post
Seaweed to heal the planet
November 2, 2021 | Rod Fujita, Associate Vice President, Research & Development, Lead Senior Scientist IISeaweed forests and algal beds cover about 3.5 million square km of our planet — only about 1% of the ocean’s surface — but these amazing ecosystems generate benefits to people and nature far out of proportion to their size. The economic and social values derived from seaweed are impressive: about 650,000 people are employed …More on: